Being Human Conference
March 25-27, 2025
Being Human is a three-day conference for students, faculty, staff, and the community that explores the art of the flourishing life through the lens of biblical anthropology.
This year’s conference will feature a leading psychologist and celebrated poet whose
insight will combine scientific study with creative energy. By bridging these distinct
yet complementary fields, Being Human offers a fresh perspective on personal growth,
demonstrating that the wellspring of flourishing lies not only in understanding our
innermost workings but also in celebrating our capacity for artistic wonder.
Attendees will have a chance to win a give away!

Conference Schedule
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Poetry Workshop: Professor Miller
2:30 PM Sanderson 215
Poetry Reading
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
11 AM Chapel: Dr. Brown
Chapel Auditorium
Thursday, March 27, 2025
11 AM Mind, Body, Soul Panel
Warren Brown, Alex Miller, and Brianne Stambaugh, moderated by Robert Erle
Sanderson 215
Speaker Bios

Warren S. Brown
​â¶Ä‹Warren Brown has been a professor of psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary since 1982 and previously directed the Travis Research Institute. His neuroscience research focuses on cognitive and psychosocial disabilities in agenesis of the corpus callosum and the effects of childhood hemispherectomy for seizure control. He has also studied dyslexia, ADHD, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and brain wave changes related to aging and dementia. Dr. Brown has authored over 75 scholarly articles, 15 book chapters, and more than 150 scientific presentations. He has received significant research grants, including a $1.2 million Templeton Foundation grant. Additionally, he explores the integration of neuroscience and Christian faith, contributing to multiple books on the subject. Brown has received prestigious research awards and is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Psychological Association and the International Neuropsychological Society.

Alexander Miller
Alex Miller is a graduate of µÂÓ®ÌåÓý and the University of Edinburgh whose studies have emphasized Modern and Postmodern poetry, Post-colonialism, and contemporary interactions with the western canon. He is a staff writer for The Curator, where he has published more than twenty pieces of cultural and literary criticism and is also a published poet. His book A Bow From My Shadow (where his poetry interacts with work by Luke Irwin) was released by Ecco Qua Press in 2013, and his work has since appeared in dozens of publications, including The Cortland Review, The Adirondack Review, The Millions, and Measure.Undergraduate Departments, Majors, Minors, Certificates, Concentrations, and Programs
Academic Certificates
- Arts Administration
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability
- Journalism and Society
- Medical Ethics Consultation
- Neuroscience
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Art, 2-D Concentration
- Art, 3-D Concentration
- Art, Art History Concentration
- Art, Graphic Design Concentration
- Art, Photography Concentration
- Art minor
- Art History minor
Biblical & Theological Studies
- Biblical & Theological Studies
- Biblical & Theological Studies, Missions Concentration
- Biblical & Theological Studies minor
- Biblical Languages minor
- History of Christianity minor
- Missions minor
- Youth Ministry minor
- Biology, Biomedical Concentration
- Biology, Environmental Concentration
- Biology, General
- Biology, Health Professions Concentration
- Biology minor
- Business
- Business, Accounting Concentration
- Business, Finance Concentration
- Business, Marketing Concentration
- Sport Management
- Business minor
- Sport Management minor
- Chemistry, Biochemistry Concentration
- Chemistry, General
- Biochemistry minor
- Chemistry minor
Community Development
- Community Development
- Community Development minor
Computer Science
- Computer Science
- Computer Science minor
- Economics
- Economics minor
- Education Studies
- Elementary Education (P-5)
- Secondary Education Certifications through MAT program
- Education minor
Engineering 3:2 Program
- Natural Science, Pre-Engineering Studies Concentration
- English
- English, Writing Concentration
- English minor
- Writing minor
Health, Wellness and Coaching
- Coaching minor
History, Politics, and International Studies
- History
- History, Art History Concentration
- Political Science
- International Studies
- History minor
- Political Science minor
Interdisciplinary Studies
- Interdisciplinary Studies with Concentrations
- Mathematics
- Mathematics minor
- Music, Church Music Concentration
- Music, Creative Studies Concentration
- Music, General Music Concentration
- Music, Instrumental Performance Concentration
- Music, Music Education (Pre-MAT) Concentration
- Music, Organ Performance Concentration
- Music, Piano Pedagogy Concentration
- Music, Piano Performance Concentration
- Music, Vocal Performance Concentration
- Music minor
- Philosophy
- Philosophy minor
- Physics
- Physics minor
Pre-Professional Programs
- Pre-Law Studies
- Pre-Medical Studies
- Pre-Nursing Studies
- Pre-Physical Therapy Studies
- Psychology
- Psychology minor
- Sociology
- Sociology, Family Studies & Social Work Concentration
- Sociology minor
- Theatre minor
World Languages
- French
- Spanish
- French minor
- Spanish minor